Believe in the
Love and Faith
The Dunamis Upper Room UK is a non-denominational, spirit-led multi-cultural church that holds the Pentecostal Faith and message as its doctrinal standard.
Welcome To The Dunamis Upper Room Fire Ministries UK
The Dunamis Upper Room Fire Ministries UK is a a non-denominational, spirit-led
multi-cultural church that holds the Pentecostal Faith and message as
its doctrinal standard. We are a House of prayer for all nations, with a
vision to make heaven, a community of exhorters that seek the good of
others, bear the burden of each other, a house of Redemption and a
Liberation center to all oppressed, while helping people back onto the
right path.
Why Plant a Prayer and Deliverance Ministry?
Ministry Planting was the primary New Testament strategy for extending
God's kingdom and fulfilling His missionary mandate.The book of Acts
depicts the spread of the gospel throughout Asia and Europe. Almost all
of Paul's letters were written to new churches either he or someone else
he knew had started. Fulfilling the Great Commission will always
involve planting new ministry because "God has chosen his disciples to
make known his manifold wisdom."
Our Latest Prayers
A Call to Salvation
Anointing To Excel
Baptism of Fire