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Rourke House, Watermans Business Park, The Causeway, Staines-Upon-Thames, TW18 3BA, UK
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About Us

Pastor J E Charles is the Founder and Senior Pastor of the Upper Room Fire Prayer Ministries in Pleasanton California and the newly established UK branch - The Dunamis Upper Room Fire Ministries UK & Europe which is a  non-denominational, spirit-led multi-cultural Christian organisation preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, led by Minister Kike an Endtime Evangelist, Bible Teacher and Deliverance Minister.


We’re all about people because God is all about people. One of the ways we express our love for Him is through our love for people, and we do that by helping each person who comes to Dunamis grow in their relationship with the Lord.

The word Dunamis is a Greek word used 121 times in the New Testament and it means: ability“act of power”; “miraculous power, ability”; “natural capability, inherent power; capability of anything, ability to perform any-thing; then, absolutely, not merely power capable of action, but, power in action” Acts 1:8; Ephesians 3:20; Luke 1:35

There is no membership at Dunamis – if you’re here, you’re part of the family.  We have a place for everyone in the Dunamis family – young adults and babies, teens and seniors, kids and singles, married couples and single moms.

We are committed to the Spirit-filled worship of God, practical application of the Bible, and loving fellowship with one another.  God has called us to reach our generation and influence our region for Christ.  Youth is one of our fundamental priorities at Dunamis.  We wholeheartedly believe in what we call The Joshua Principle: We can only fully gain the promises of God through focusing on training up the next generation.

We place a strong emphasis on training, equipping and releasing people to minister.  At Dunamis, we believe in spiritual warfare as described by Apostle Paul to the Ephesus, and we are devoted to the apostolic signs, Holy Ghost Fireworks where your hands are trained to wage war and your fingers to do battle. And we know that the Bible alone offers real solutions to the challenges facing people today.

We strive to be a church that is relevant and actively making a difference in people’s lives.  We  recognize and meet people’s needs, passionately pursue the teaching of God’s Word and provide an atmosphere for positive relationships to grow.


Our Purpose

We exist to
  • 1. Show you the love of Jesus Christ, His promises of Salvation & Blessings and to spread the Good News to the ends of the Earth [Mark 16:15]
  • 2. Unite with other Christians to bring the Kingdom of God and His rule to our region and throughout the world.
  • 3. To equip adults, youth and children to successfully serve Jesus Christ and overcome life’s everyday challenges.

About Us

Our Mission
  • 1. Grow in our ability to love and worship God
  • 2. Share the truth of Jesus Christ with our community
  • 3. Train and utilize church members in ministering to others
  • 4. Unite with and support the effort of the entire Body of Christ
  • 5. Connect with families, adults, children and youth – and support them in their decision to walk with God
Our Vision

We are called to be :

  • 1. A Community of the Redeemed of the Lord, forgiven, saved, sanctified and cleansed through the works of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary (Ephesians 1:7; Psalm 107:2; Galatians 3:13)
  • 2. A House of Prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7; Matthew 21:13)
  • 3. A community of worshipers, who prevail by heartfelt, Spirit-filled worship of God in Spirit and truth. (John 4: 23-24)
  • 4. A community that intercedes for many through prayers, Heal the Sick and liberate all those oppressed. (Luke 4: 18)
  • 5. A people passionate about the practical word of God, and building loving relationships with others. (Mathew 22: 37-39)
  • 6. A community determined to make heaven through holiness, fasting and praying regularly. (Luke 2:37;Matthew 17:21; Romans 6:22)
  • 7. A community of Exhorters that seek out the good of others, bear the burdens of each other, and helping people back onto the right path' (Galatians 6:2)
And Jesus spoke a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Luke 18:1. We believe in constant prayers and spiritual warfare and the inspired word of our Lord Jehovah who teaches our hands for war and our fingers for battle! ~ Psalm 141:1 and we serve God with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire~ Hebrew 12:29


We believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, but not contrary to reason; the only basis for our faith and fellowship. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16; 1 Peter 2:2


The One True God, ETERNAL EXISTENT in three Persons. God The Father, God The Son and The Holy Spirit. John 17:5, 1John 5:7

Holy Spirit:

We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2:4; 10:44 and 19:1-6: There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;One Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” ~ Ephesians 4:4-5


We believe that God is a Spirit and deserves our worship; we prevail by worshiping God in Spirit and truth. (John 4: 23-24)

We have planted Dunamis Christian Community because the vast majority of people in our community do not attend church on a given Sunday that devotes time in worship and prayers to God. Prayer is a form of worshiping God. Prayer is a communion and fellowship with God. Our prayer can be a message to Him that we love Him and are thankful for everything He has done for us. Worship is, in its humblest form, revering God and recognizing all He has done. We worship God because He deserves to be worshiped. While you think about all He has done through His creation and salvation, God is revealed to be a very powerful and loving God, and through worship we can show our love and respect to Him. In reality, our existence, our ability to think, even our very ability to worship in the first place comes from Him.

Our desire is to be a place where the un-churched, the formerly churched, and those who are interested to learn more about God can connect with new friends, learn about God and His plan, and grow together spiritually.

The obvious question is, what kind of church is Dunamis Christian Community? Well, We will be a family of imperfect people seeking to learn and grow in our knowledge of God, one another, and His plan for ourselves and for the world.

You may not attend church, but you are interested in spiritual things. Maybe you have given up on church because of a bad experience, yet are open to learning more about God. Church is so much more than a service on the weekend. It’s about connecting with other people, growing in your faith, and building a strong foundation for your family.

Dunamis Christian Community desires to glorify God and its devoted to the Revival of Apostolic Signs, Holy Ghost fireworks and the unlimited demonstration of the power of God to deliver those oppressed , heal those in need and teach people about the Kingdom by equipping all with life-changing principles of Godly prosperity.

At Dunamis our focus is on:

  • 1. How to live daily by the word of God
  • 2. How to live a holy and victorious life through Jesus Christ
  • 3. How to use the word of God to shape our world.
  • 4. How to work with the Holy Spirit daily.
  • 5. How to build relationships through fellowship in God.